Ropespirit – A night of Japanese bondage 2024-05-27T23:39:19+00:00

|| ROPE SPIRIT XVIII. || 1. 6. 2024 || 18:00

Hell Events in cooperation with Edna the first lady of the Czech shibari scene, providing eighteenth Rope Spirit. A night of Japanese bondage.

Performers at Rope Spirit XVIII.

Sylvia & Floki
Sylvia & Floki
Lets meet the first couple of performers! Sylvia and Floki are a switch couple who have been practicing traditional Kinbaku for 5 years. Both are the owners and educators of Reisei Studio in Valencia (Spain). They share huge amount of passion together and you will get simply overwhelmed by watching them tie 🖤
They will perform twice during this event as they will switch their roles.
Tati Limati
Tati Limati
Next performer will be world traveller Tati and her performance at Rope Spirit stage will be the finale of her european tour. She studied in Europe and Japan. Among others, her teachers were Naka Akira, Ren Yagami, Kinoko Hajime, Nicolas Yoroi. She also studied the Yukimura style. She has a background in aikido, tango, contact improvisation, femdom, tantra and other practices. She is currently studying to obtain a third higher education degree in psychology.
Tati is the organizer of international events in Ukraine and Poland and a regular contributor to Shibari Theatre in Asia and around the world. Tati is also a traveler. She currently lives in Thailand.
Bug & Dia
Bug & Dia
Mila Bugtcher appeared on Rope Spirit several times, his shows were usually a bit theatrical. This time there will be no theatrical part, because with his babygirl Dia they want to enyoy aspects of shibari, they enjoy the most. These aspects are pain and humiliation and its sharing with audience will amplify pleasure, they get from these.
Borg & CryBejb
Borg & CryBejb
Last couple who will join our stage is Radek Borg, which performing on Rope Spirit from beginning, this time with model Crybejb which will be her first shibari performance. They started tying together couple of months ago mainly for joy, which they will share with you.

Performances at Rope Spirit XVI.

Edna & Lady Anne


Mino & Louis

Lello Li & Vio Vaho

Borg & Darja Ropewitch



Tickets are now available at reception of or online HERE


During the Rope Spirit event, we have a strict no-photo policy. Photographs taken by our acreditet photographers are publicised just days after the event. After the last show has concluded, we open up the floor for your tying. Please, respect the privacy of others and do not interfere, or disturb otherwise other visitors. Thank You.


Fell in love with japanese bondage and now you are interested in learning more? The event organisers of Rope Spirit are also bringing youu shibari workshops, for both beginners and intermidiate riggers.

For more information, please contact us at